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Dice Example Container

This container is a simple example of a container that simulates rolling a dice. The container will output a random number. The use case for this container is to demonstrate how to run for infinite time or a specific number of times. Jobs can fail depending on the number of the result of the last roll.

Environment variables

  • SIDES: The number of sides on the dice. (default: 6)
  • ROLLS: The number of times to roll the dice. (default: 1)
  • INFINITE: If set to true, the dice will roll forever. (default: false)
  • SLEEP: The duration between each roll in seconds. (default: 1)
  • EXIT_ON: The number that will cause the job to exit. (default: 0 - never)
  • EXIT_MESSAGE: The message to display when the job exits. Set to "-" to skip message. (default: "Bye!")
  • 'FAIL_ON': The number that will cause the job to fail. (default: 0 - never)
  • 'FAIL_MESSAGE': The message to display when the job fails. Set to "-" to skip message. (default: "Failed!")
  • 'FAIL_EXIT_CODE': The exit code when the job fails. (default: 1)
  • QUIET: If set to true, the dice will not output the result of each roll. (default: false)
  • LOG_JSON: If set to true, the dice will output the result of each roll in JSON format. (default: false)
  • 'LOG_COLOR': If set to true, the dice will output the result of each roll in color. Ignored if LOG_JSON is set. (default: false)
  • TERMINATE_SLEEP: The duration to sleep before terminating the job. (default: 0)

Running with docker

docker run --rm -e SLEEP=1 -e ROLLS=1 -e SIDES=6 mhus/example-dice:latest 

Running with kubernetes

kubectl run dice --image=mhus/example-dice:latest --env="SLEEP=1" --env="ROLLS=1" --env="SIDES=6" --restart=Never