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Web Example Container

This container is a simple example of a container that runs a web server. It uses the nginx web server to serve a simple HTML page. The use case for this container is to demonstrate how to use a web server in a container.

The container is based on the nginx image and generates a simple HTML page at startup. The port is always set to 80.

Environment variables

  • MESSAGE: The message to display on the web page. (default: "Hello World")
  • COLOR: The color of the message. (default: blue) Available colors are red, green, blue, yellow, pink, purple, orange, brown, black, white, gray, and cyan.
  • COLOR_TEXT: The color of the text. (default: white) Available colors are red, green, blue, yellow, pink, purple, orange, brown, black, white, gray, and cyan.
  • RANDOM_COLOR: If set to true, the colors will be random. (default: false) The background color will be printed in the log.

Running with docker

docker run -it --rm -e MESSAGE="Hello World" -e COLOR=blue -p 8080:80 mhus/example-web:latest

Running with kubernetes

kubectl run web --image=mhus/example-web:latest --env="MESSAGE=Hello World" --env="COLOR=blue" --port=80